Created on 2010-03-27 10:17:34.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:05:23
- hi all, we'll be getting started here shortly. We'll call you and a friendly reminder to mute your microphones until you'd like to chime in.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:07:44
- scott......
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:07:49
- thanks
- Aharon: 18:08:13
- hi scottrigby
- BASEKAMP team: 18:10:14
- teching the audio, we'll begin shortly!
- mabel: 18:10:35
- ok
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:10:52
- Dominic, we finaly have our AV tech finishing the setup >
- Dominic Zlatanov: 18:11:07
- ok
- BASEKAMP team: 18:11:10
- ha ha "AV tech"!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:11:23
- w00t
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:17:50
- ok guys, we're ready to start
- Aharon: 18:18:20
- cool
- atrowbri: 18:18:56
- skype crashed, recall pls?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:19:05
- on it
- atrowbri: 18:19:08
- thx
- Aharon: 18:19:31
- we can post links (to images vids etc..)
- Aharon: 18:20:11
- he mi8 not be awar of your new time!!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:20:53
- atrowbri who am I calling? you? or UTC?
- atrowbri: 18:21:09
- me
- atrowbri: 18:21:13
- utc crashed
- Aharon: 18:21:38
- for me bob da bilda is obama.. well.. now a nu one..
- BASEKAMP team: 18:24:47
- yes thank you all.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:26:43
- 300-400!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:26:45
- Wow!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:29:30
- cutting in & out slightly
- BASEKAMP team: 18:29:51
- it's crystal clear in the burbs...how is the audio for everyone else?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:29:59
- btter now
- mabel: 18:30:09
- very good here!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:32:39
- yikes!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:33:32
- trying 2nd www connection
- Aharon: 18:33:42
- do u really think your car is not powered by ppl now..?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:34:20
- well, www is funny tonight
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:34:35
- we have a weak signal strangely
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:34:38
- back!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:34:45
- thnak you Greg
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 18:34:54
- is there some sort of archive of these examples?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:35:02
- Yes
- Aharon: 18:35:20
- lol
- BASEKAMP team: 18:35:20
- Ho Ho Ho Ho!
- Aharon: 18:35:52
- nice!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:36:11
- sure.
- Dominic Zlatanov: 18:36:50
- http://www.atwork.enter1646.com/
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 18:37:28
- thank you
- BASEKAMP team: 18:37:29
- yep looks great!
- stephen wright: 18:41:03
- Hey, can I hook up?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:41:14
- on it Stephen
- stephen wright: 18:43:08
- Hey Dominic!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:14
- Truck
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:18
- by X
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:43:30
- http://www.autravailatwork.50megs.com/photo.html
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:43:38
- bottom of page
- stephen wright: 18:44:18
- Shows the works by Chuck Close by the edge of the highway!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:44:35
- try this link: (assuming this is the same artist you were referring to Scott) http://www.atwork.enter1646.com/trucker.pdf
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:44:36
- Stephen, hello there!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:44:48
- you are on the call
- stephen wright: 18:44:59
- Yup -- in a hotel lobby!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:45:08
- which city are you in?
- stephen wright: 18:46:06
- Hey Dominic, you made a movie about At Work. A really good one. Is any of that uploaded to the web -- on YouTube or something?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:47:48
- by the way, i didn't mention this at the beginning as i normally do -- but -- please feel free to chime in if you have any questions or comments about at work
- BASEKAMP team: 18:50:39
- yes please! great!
- stephen wright: 18:50:48
- Definitely!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:51:09
- great
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:51:54
- is there a link for that project btw?
- stephen wright: 18:52:24
- maybe under the name of Saint Thomas the Imposter
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:52:33
- ok,,,
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:53:03
- stephen wright: 18:53:03
- we'll have to ask him for sure. He's the guy in the policeman's outfit on the website and the PAW mail-out.
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:53:56
- google search turns up a lot of generic stuff stephen & BOB
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:54:04
- oh
- BASEKAMP team: 18:55:23
- yep
- stephen wright: 18:56:04
- slacking at work -- and putting a fancy name on it!
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 18:56:20
- <ss type="laugh">
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 18:56:30
- yeah, that's a rad decription
- BASEKAMP team: 18:56:42
- I like to call them J.O.B. Grants
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 18:57:03
- there's also something slightly exotic in doing crappy jobs don't you think?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:58:14
- indeed Stef...the go to question for movie stars..."What was the worst job you had while you were a struggling actor?"
- Aharon: 19:00:12
- so.. is it not that in a sense, doing at-work ativities encouraged by a given corporation - will actually be profitable for the man..?
- stephen wright: 19:00:17
- There is actually no reason why at-working only has to do with low-paid jobs.
- Aharon: 19:00:59
- i can c this being really encouraged by the capital..
- Aharon: 19:01:26
- sure
- stephen wright: 19:02:30
- Spend your free time at work! That's neomanagement strategy for sure.
- Aharon: 19:03:34
- from this pov - its a really concervative practice.. that irony is possibly interesting in itself..
- stephen wright: 19:04:28
- At workers dont spend free time at work -- they free up work time while they have to be at work anyway
- Aharon: 19:04:52
- s it not actually about making work in this society more palatable..?
- atrowbri: 19:05:18
- Could it take place at 12hr a day Apple iPod factories in China?
- Aharon: 19:06:03
- yup it can.. i can imagine that anyway.. adam..
- Dominic Zlatanov: 19:06:09
- You make a video with the ipod in secret,
- Aharon: 19:06:57
- u place secret image pieces.. one in each..
- BASEKAMP team: 19:07:13
- also labor itself can be bought and sold
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:07:23
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:07:42
- hi randall
- atrowbri: 19:08:09
- hey randall
- Randall Szott: 19:08:16
- hey scott
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:09:49
- hellllo. i am late with child.
- atrowbri: 19:10:03
- nononononon
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:10:12
- wait. no
- Aharon: 19:10:14
- well.. that assumes the surplace value analisys is correct.. i think it is more correct to say that marx himself was question ing the validity of that - and other - theories.. for example, he had another pov based on production dictated by mode of exchange..
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:10:16
- scratch that
- stephen wright: 19:10:35
- Surplus value does exist!
- stephen wright: 19:10:44
- Otherwise how would accumulation take place!
- stephen wright: 19:11:04
- How would rich people get richer?
- Aharon: 19:11:08
- it does, ofcourse. question is how it plays in the grand sceme of things
- Randall Szott: 19:11:34
- well surplus value exists and it doesn't
- BASEKAMP team: 19:11:47
- "dancers"
- Aharon: 19:11:53
- ofcourse we do not have money trickling down but up
- Randall Szott: 19:11:57
- it exists *within* the confines of the economic frame
- Randall Szott: 19:12:27
- but whether it exists in any ontological sense is dubious
- BASEKAMP team: 19:12:31
- stephen wright: 19:13:06
- it exists within the economy where at-workers are working -- and it is what they want to repossess rather than seeing it exporipriated by the employer
- BASEKAMP team: 19:13:07
- W.O.W.
- Randall Szott: 19:13:35
- but they are chasing phantoms
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:14:00
- independent contractor
- BASEKAMP team: 19:14:05
- no pun intended
- stephen wright: 19:14:33
- Randall, hi! What do you mean about "chasing fantoms"?
- atrowbri: 19:14:41
- There is a stuent sleeping through this discussion
- atrowbri: 19:14:44
- She gets an A
- stephen wright: 19:14:50
- A+
- atrowbri: 19:15:44
- Another student reports she was working on a class project @ work
- atrowbri: 19:15:46
- A
- Randall Szott: 19:16:51
- stephen - i'm just rehashing Baudrillard...in his claim that workers are not being exploited by accumulating their surplus value, but by being inculcated in the frame of vlaue itself
- stephen wright: 19:17:26
- It seems to me that it is in both those realms
- Randall Szott: 19:17:26
- it is the tryanny of *value* that is the problem not finding the appropriate baance of surplus/exchange value
- Randall Szott: 19:17:58
- but I'm a Baudrillard zombie, so I'm useless
- BASEKAMP team: 19:18:38
- Randall aren't we all zombies according to Baudrillard?
- stephen wright: 19:18:40
- OK. But At-working is not really about stymying the bosses ability to extract surplus value
- stephen wright: 19:19:20
- It is only secondarily about that -- as a consequence of using the space / time of the work environment as a place of artistic production
- Randall Szott: 19:19:24
- yeah stephen i joined late so missed the initial qualifier
- stephen wright: 19:21:19
- You know, when i translated the art critical text using the strange protocol I mentioned (inverting all the values, translating words by their opposites), everyone was happy. THe journal was happy to pay -- because they never noticed the ploy. They just thought my English prose was acceptable.
- Aharon: 19:23:57
- sing the blues in the cotton fields?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:24:21
- knit turtleneck sweaters in the cotton fields
- Aharon: 19:24:49
- is that the slave pic u have..?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:25:10
- did you just pull a "don't joke about slavery" move?
- stephen wright: 19:25:22
- But we don't work in cotton fields. Probably cotton workers need trade unionization.
- Aharon: 19:25:29
- the other way round
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:25:47
- fair enough
- stephen wright: 19:25:54
- We work as "cognitarians" -- immaterial laborers in post fordism
- Randall Szott: 19:26:05
- but this is not just a tactic right? i mean slack is built into most office environments
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:26:12
- the idea economy
- stephen wright: 19:26:29
- slack is only built into high end, immaterial labour
- Randall Szott: 19:26:33
- people write birthday party invites, make appointments, play in their fantasy foot ball leagues
- stephen wright: 19:26:47
- maybe software design, advertising
- Aharon: 19:27:03
- well.. in a sense you put it so well Stephen, that we need to produce - so we do work/job
- Randall Szott: 19:27:07
- working as a temp i saw oodles and oodles of ordinary people making work time their own
- stephen wright: 19:27:17
- Great!
- Aharon: 19:27:20
- ..or did u use re-produce..?
- Aharon: 19:28:11
- which is exactly where we go back to the cotton field with the blues and all that.. be it a metaphorical - litteraly metaphorical - field..
- Randall Szott: 19:28:29
- students doing homework, people doing crosswords, surfing the web, looking at restaurant menus, texting, chatting...all on "company time"
- Aharon: 19:28:38
- hi magda
- atrowbri: 19:28:50
- the recent SEC guy fired for looking @ porn...
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:28:51
- Greg, can you add Magda to the audio chat?
- stephen wright: 19:28:59
- But those poeple are "killing time"
- stephen wright: 19:29:08
- At work is not about killing time.
- Randall Szott: 19:29:09
- no
- atrowbri: 19:29:10
- art is not killing time?
- Randall Szott: 19:29:23
- exactly adam
- stephen wright: 19:29:31
- well, only if it is self consciously about killing time
- magdalenatc: 19:29:35
- hello. great thank. i am in.
- Randall Szott: 19:29:35
- what makes art better than fantasy football?
- Aharon: 19:29:40
- no.. they keep trying to make sure time does not kill them]
- atrowbri: 19:29:44
- More than 24 employees and contractors at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission have been investigated for porn-surfing at work in the past two years, according to published reports.
- atrowbri: 19:29:57
- Are they not using work time to "produce desire"
- atrowbri: 19:29:58
- stephen wright: 19:30:46
- That might be stretching the point if they just gazed at some skin-observing
- Aharon: 19:30:57
- and therefore its subsistance kind of practice.. an expression of subsistance, not subversion of subsistancy.. just a feel of..
- stephen wright: 19:31:05
- If they made porn, then YES
- stephen wright: 19:31:18
- I think we should be making more on-worksite porn
- stephen wright: 19:32:14
- Yes, that's probably true. They tend to be fairly one offish.
- Randall Szott: 19:32:31
- a mom typing up her Christmas family newsletter at work is just as interesting to me as some post-grad using video software to edit a project
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:32:35
- I'm wondering if the sleeping student is not upper class, so will never need a dayjob to "au travail"...
- Aharon: 19:32:40
- i wonder about your position, bob.. are you a kind of a curator? making your curation via films..?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:33:01
- stephen, maybe you can help translate too?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:34:23
- who was that?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:34:27
- is/was
- atrowbri: 19:34:56
- if the post-grad's video shows and becomes part of a gallery exhibition leading to a teaching job, you could argue the value is merely transfered. How many of these slack-art-workers are transfering excess work value into artworld value possibly leading to either credibility or better art-related positions?
- stephen wright: 19:34:57
- slackers tend to be -- though are not always -- from middle class society.
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:35:15
- Anibal Lopez, that's the name of the truck driver
- atrowbri: 19:35:27
- trying to unmute
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:35:58
- thanks Stef
- BASEKAMP team: 19:36:19
- street cred = use value?
- stephen wright: 19:36:22
- Excellent question!
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:36:32
- (couldn't remember it either, had to look it up)
- Randall Szott: 19:37:28
- can't we side step this question? or maybe reframe it...why talk about value? why not talk about meaning or maybe the conversion of value into meaning.
- BASEKAMP team: 19:38:59
- do value and meaning have to be mutually exclusive Randall or is this getting too semantic?
- Randall Szott: 19:39:25
- well economic value has no necessary relation to meaning
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:39:41
- this debate came up earlier, and i wasn't sure how 'valuable' it is to be honest... whether or not 'value' can exist outside of capital
- stephen wright: 19:40:12
- Let's bear in mind that one of the important characteristics of At Work is that it really exists -- it has some 400 self-acknowledged members worldwide.
- BASEKAMP team: 19:40:34
- despite those who define themselves based on accumulated property or how "valuable" they are not that we should be focusing on this at all
- BASEKAMP team: 19:41:27
- or knowledge production (re: crosswords)
- Randall Szott: 19:41:36
- but passing time is how you would charaterize it....
- Randall Szott: 19:41:52
- because you don't find it meaninful apparently
- Randall Szott: 19:42:00
- or not meaningful in the same way art is
- Randall Szott: 19:42:35
- but some people find meaning in less "elevated" arenas
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:42:39
- randall yes.. dominic earlier said that this approach would probably not be necessary at a job one finds fulfiling
- BASEKAMP team: 19:42:45
- Is Au Travail a kind of art therapy?
- stephen wright: 19:42:45
- I see your point, Randall, but the kind of self-understanding that goes with art doing changes everything for me.
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:42:48
- regardless of what it is
- Randall Szott: 19:43:14
- self-understanding
- stephen wright: 19:43:26
- as art
- Randall Szott: 19:43:27
- or navel gazing....sometimes it's hard to tell
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:46
- as long as he was giving blow jobs!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:57
- oops did I just write that?
- Aharon: 19:44:11
- are you looking for meaning, randall?
- Aharon: 19:44:18
- lol@art q..
- Randall Szott: 19:44:30
- no i dont care at all what art is
- stephen wright: 19:44:39
- neither do I
- Randall Szott: 19:44:49
- i am interesed in human meaning making and creativity in whatever form it takes
- stephen wright: 19:44:50
- it is whatever it understands itself to be
- Aharon: 19:45:00
- is art a taboo term/word?
- Randall Szott: 19:45:05
- art is highly privileged in this regard
- stephen wright: 19:45:17
- uniquely so
- Dominic Zlatanov: 19:45:23
- art is what makes life more interesting than art
- stephen wright: 19:45:27
- yes
- BASEKAMP team: 19:45:29
- well...not caring about what art is is caring
- Dominic Zlatanov: 19:45:29
- filliou
- BASEKAMP team: 19:46:44
- not about form then, about concept/process/space of creation?
- Aharon: 19:46:51
- what doesnt qualify as at-work..?
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:47:40
- by the way, it could have been santiago sierra and not lopez
- Randall Szott: 19:47:53
- "
not caring is caring - whooo boy
- stephen wright: 19:47:54
- well, if you work at an art gallery and just do what you're told, that doen't qualify
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:48:08
- <ss type="giggle">
- Aharon: 19:48:40
- y not? it mi8 be exactly what u've always dreamed of!
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:48:54
- sorry, i think it was santiago sierra.
- stephen wright: 19:49:02
- well if it's a dream job, so much the better
- Aharon: 19:49:20
- it mi8 be a dream activity
- Aharon: 19:49:46
- point is that from that pov you do indeed place a very large set of values..
- BASEKAMP team: 19:50:02
- whooo boy?
- Randall Szott: 19:50:11
- yes exactly - creative practice in *whatever* form
- Randall Szott: 19:50:39
- from making family newsletters, knitting at work, filling out March Madness brackets, etc.
- stephen wright: 19:50:50
- I would say that At Work is more interested in "decreative practice" in whatever form
- Randall Szott: 19:50:51
- not just making videos, novels, etc.
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:51:03
- stef - thanks
- stephen wright: 19:51:03
- certainly not making videos necessarily
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:51:30
- someone here is teaching a class on lock-picking
- Aharon: 19:51:32
- has anyone seen mikmaks..? (maybe wrong spelling.. your movie ref..)
- Aharon: 19:53:11
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micmacs_
- Randall Szott: 19:53:46
- art as esperanto!
- Randall Szott: 19:53:51
- both equally useless
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:54:43
- i've heard claims that critical theory was a kind of universal language - but I doubt that really
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:55:01
- Dominique, do you think "at work" is a prevalent working class artist activity?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:55:13
- buzzwords that help people to think they're talking the same language
- Randall Szott: 19:55:38
- did i miss a question?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:55:47
- stephen is thinking
- stephen wright: 19:55:49
- didn't ask it yet -- sorry
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:55:49
- (my kids are asleep so i can't say it out loud)
- BASEKAMP team: 19:55:51
- thanks for the music
- Dominic Zlatanov: 19:55:58
- prevalent working class activity?
- Randall Szott: 19:56:07
- oh ok im not objecting per se
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:56:15
- i'm totally into it actually
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:56:27
- yes, i mean, upper class artists wouldn't really care about this no?
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:56:43
- Randall Szott: 19:56:53
- just wondering why we seem hesitant to grant the activites i mentioned as being relevant
- Randall Szott: 19:57:06
- relevant is not the right word...
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:57:25
- randall, - really? i might have missed the activities - can you repeat?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:57:27
- applicable?
- Randall Szott: 19:57:35
- but we seem intent on making art/activist purposes more important thna less "heroic" ones
- BASEKAMP team: 19:57:43
- Scott...from making family newsletters, knitting at work, filling out March Madness brackets, etc.
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:57:45
- "not just making videos, novels, etc."?
- stephen wright: 19:58:00
- Not At Work -- the members activities are pretty unheroic
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 19:58:07
- ah--- ok, i didn't get the impression anyone was hesitant that 's all -- ok
- Randall Szott: 19:58:12
- a form of heroism seems to be smuggled in somewhere
- Randall Szott: 19:58:29
- oh so sorry guys
- Randall Szott: 19:58:40
- my ride has arrived i have to run
- stephen wright: 19:58:49
- well, ripping off the man with the clock is slightly heroic
- stephen wright: 19:59:02
- yup
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 19:59:03
- yes, we can all hear you
- Randall Szott: 19:59:11
- but crosswords rip off the man as much as art
- Randall Szott: 19:59:14
- to me
- Randall Szott: 19:59:28
- but i really have to go sorry
- stephen wright: 19:59:29
- well then it,s heroic
- Dominic Zlatanov: 20:00:00
- ciao Randall
- Aharon: 20:00:28
- thanks
- BASEKAMP team: 20:01:11
- yep
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 20:01:12
- it's only 1 am here, we're cool.
- magdalenatc: 20:01:34
- i would like to, as i joined late and still trying to follow ... the silence of thougts (my silent thoughts in particular <ss type="smile">
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 20:02:10
- he was "at travail"!
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 20:03:38
- Eric that's fantastic
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 20:03:53
- or.. i mean -- i like that you're doing this
- stephen wright: 20:09:46
- Great allegory!
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 20:10:04
- Eric would you rather become a famous artist or a famous actor?
- BASEKAMP team: 20:11:21
- Thanks everyone!
- magdalenatc: 20:11:32
- thank you all.
- stephen wright: 20:12:14
- g900@hotmail.com">dg900@hotmail.com
- magdalenatc: 20:12:15
- that's very kind
- magdalenatc: 20:12:16
- thanks
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 20:12:41
- Thank you, that was fab.
- Aharon: 20:12:42
- d900@ where??
- Aharon: 20:12:48
- o
- tefpasquini" title="stefpasquini">Stefpasquini.com: 20:12:49
- hotmail.com
- Dominic Zlatanov: 20:12:54
- g900@hotmail.com">dg900@hotmail.com
- Aharon: 20:12:54
- ta stephen
- stephen wright: 20:13:06
- See / hear you next week!
- stephen wright: 20:13:12
- night night
- cottrigby" title="scottrigby">scottrigby: 20:13:28
- nighty night!