Chat History with basekamp/$fc277444798a9e1f" title="#basekamp/$fc277444798a9e1f">Freenode (#basekamp/$fc277444798a9e1f)
Created on 2010-04-06 21:16:55.
- alemcj" title="salemcj">salem collo-julin: 18:24:34
- scottrigby: 18:24:51
- hello again
- scottrigby: 18:24:57
- so is everyone on a call?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:25:10
- not everyone
- Laura Trippi: 18:25:12
- no, i'm not
- scottrigby: 18:25:15
- greg are you hosting?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:25:32
- yep r we ready
- Meg Frisch: 18:25:58
- is ready!!
- stephen wright: 18:26:51
- can you tell everyone how to hook into IRC -- or is that going to be to complicated?
- Laura Trippi: 18:27:48
- (brb)
- scottrigby: 18:27:48
- hi stephen, i was going to - but we seem to have started out with a short disconnect, and i didn't want to fragement that further until we at least hook up by audio
- scottrigby: 18:28:03
- however -
- stephen wright: 18:28:10
- ok
- stephen wright: 18:28:21
- is audio about ready?
- scottrigby: 18:28:23
- here's how to get into IRC for anyone who wants to!
- scottrigby: 18:29:06
- for those of you without an IRC client (not necessary!) you can se your web browser - the link above also links to an embedded webchat here:
- BASEKAMP team: 18:30:06
- Ok everyone ready!?!
- scottrigby: 18:30:26
- yes, jonathen is here now & ready
- Jonathan Simpson: 18:30:31
- I'm here.
- Jonathan Simpson: 18:30:39
- Sorry I think I hung up while you were still talking scott
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:33
- stephen wright: 18:31:37
- We're on
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:59
- If anyone drops off or wasn't included in the original call please let us know.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:33:05
- I'm wearing a tux
- alemcj" title="salemcj">salem collo-julin: 18:34:07
- yes
- Laura Trippi: 18:34:09
- sounds good
- eanstoops" title="seanstoops">Sean Stoops: 18:34:13
- sure
- BASEKAMP team: 18:34:13
- sounds good
- BASEKAMP team: 18:34:17
- boots!
- alemcj" title="salemcj">salem collo-julin: 18:34:26
- ni-hao kai lan!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:34:31
- lol
- BASEKAMP team: 18:34:54
- what's gonna work? team work!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:37:17
- freenode creates space?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:37:33
- I like that idea.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:38:40
- Freenode philosophy:
- Laura Trippi: 18:38:43
- it's great
- BASEKAMP team: 18:39:15
- "Licensing which preserves freedom is essential to the health and success of peer-directed projects. "
- scottrigby: 18:41:52
- jesse is here btw, right?
- stephen wright: 18:42:25
- do-ocracy!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:42:58
- I presume this is far different than a Meritocracy?
- scottrigby: 18:46:57
- BTW, we muted our audio here - sorry guys
- BASEKAMP team: 18:47:01
- coming on the heels of last weeks discussion which addressed "paid usership", I am curious, do you get paid for what you do? If so by whom? How is Freenode supported?
- Laura Trippi: 18:47:07
- (thnx)
- scottrigby: 18:48:56
- Also, everyone - as always - feel free to chime in to the audio, and / or post questions here
- Meg Frisch: 18:49:49
- hey - I got off the call
- Meg Frisch: 18:50:10
app fail
- Meg Frisch: 18:50:54
- thanks
- BASEKAMP team: 18:51:12
- warez
- stephen wright: 18:52:46
- "IRC is a communications mechanism or protocol, that's been around since the begnning of the internet. freenode is one of the largest: it's intent is not for general purpose chat, but about letting groups get together and cross pollinate in a way they might never be able to if left to their own communications networks." So how does someone go about cross pollinating and with whom? Is there an index or a directory of whose on freenode (given that there's 60,000 I guess there must be, since no one could cross-pollinate on that scale). I mean, how does plausible artworlds cross pollinate with channel 9,999?
- Jonathan Simpson: 18:53:02
- Jonathan Simpson: 18:54:09
- BASEKAMP team: 18:54:34
- great thx
- BASEKAMP team: 18:57:29
- hello sir/madam I am calling because...
- scottrigby: 18:57:41
- haha
- scottrigby: 18:58:03
- "if you spend time, it just sort of happens"
- BASEKAMP team: 18:58:22
- I've not spent a lot of time on freenode but it does seem like a place to just play, experiment, check in, check out, lurk.
- scottrigby: 18:59:00
- greg - where is atrowbri & jessicawestbrook?
- scottrigby: 18:59:07
- thinks they may be driving...
- BASEKAMP team: 19:00:20
- hmm not sure.
- Laura Trippi: 19:00:21
- (Sorry, I have to leave for a meeting. But I'm keeping the chat open so I can track what went on. Sort of.
Thanks, all!!)
- scottrigby: 19:00:33
- Laura - great to have you
- scottrigby: 19:00:41
- ok
- scottrigby: 19:00:45
- see you next week!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:00:50
- "Web 0.0" love it
- Laura Trippi: 19:01:02
- yes, great stuff here! thanx.
- BASEKAMP team: 19:01:06
- I think that is the spirit of the project, I agree
- michael g bauer: 19:06:06
- yes how does open source contribute to the social milieu/cultural trends at large?
- scottrigby: 19:07:12
- yeah, skype isn't open at all really
- scottrigby: 19:07:16
- it's just "free"
- scottrigby: 19:07:28
- stephen wright: 19:07:33
- can you "critique" skype a bit
- BASEKAMP team: 19:07:55
- does it "contribute" or allow for such things to take place?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:08:12
- seems more the later
- stephen wright: 19:10:54
- Jonathan, when do you use skype -- and for what? It's not a personal question, obviously, but a slightly coy way of asking you to critique skype (cause I'm not sure we really know what's wrong with skype) and to compare and contrast it with freenode and IRC.
- scottrigby: 19:10:56
- BASEKAMP team: 19:13:48
- A geeknic?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:14:37
- any outdoor eating event w/ Scott Rigby is a "geeknic" imo
- scottrigby: 19:14:38
- and we'll get back to teh question about skype for sure -- i jsut found myself talking before i saw the questions -- and i'm very intrested in this too stephen!
- scottrigby: 19:15:09
- thanks
- scottrigby: 19:15:43
- stephen wright: 19:15:53
- !!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:16:02
- minimally
- stephen wright: 19:17:53
- exactly; I would say that that's what makes it a "plausible world" -- and not just a machine
- scottrigby: 19:18:35
- a giant network of makers
- BASEKAMP team: 19:20:01
- funny though, IRC is often viewed as uncool, at least with my cool hip students
- scottrigby: 19:20:10
- our role is often ... partly theorizing, and partly prototyping... ideas about other kinds of culture - small or large moments in a world we either want to see, or are frustrated that we see
- scottrigby: 19:20:50
- Technically speaking -- maybe DimDim?
- scottrigby: 19:21:29
- for audio?
- Meg Frisch: 19:21:57
- i'm hre!
- Meg Frisch: 19:22:02
- oh...
- Meg Frisch: 19:22:06
- Meg Frisch: 19:22:17
- BASEKAMP team: 19:23:53
- are threre open source alternatives to Skype?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:24:58
- scottrigby: 19:25:06
- interesting
- scottrigby: 19:25:27
- oh yeah --- flooding, bouncing, right?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:25:45
- colloquy
- scottrigby: 19:25:59
- colloquy++
- BASEKAMP team: 19:26:13
- scottrigby ++
- scottrigby: 19:26:32
- not yet!
- scottrigby: 19:26:43
- greggles
- BASEKAMP team: 19:29:23
- indeed
- BASEKAMP team: 19:29:38
- freebeer?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:30:21
- scott mentioned that
- scottrigby: 19:30:38
- canoeing
- stephen wright: 19:31:23
- More than anything else, I am fascinated by freenode's philosophy. The idea, it seems, that a community can be built not by (after) the solving of problems but by the raising of problems/ questions. It's a very American idea. John Dewey wrote a fascinating book called "The Public and its Problems", arguing (on the basis of the early American townships experience) that there is no such thing as a "public" that then encounters some problems. It is through the articulation of problems, the experience of encountering problems and sharing them with others that a "public" emerges. A public is the generic sense -- a society, a community, what have you. And when that problem raising becomes self-conscious then you have a genuine, self-conscious public community. Sounds a bit like freenode, no?
- scottrigby: 19:31:46
- fosscon++
- scottrigby: 19:32:03
- BASEKAMP team: 19:32:14
- sounds great!
- scottrigby: 19:32:16
- we are thinking about how we can do something with / for FOSSCON
- scottrigby: 19:32:58
- Jonathan Simpson: 19:33:20
- Jonathan Simpson: 19:33:28
- sponsors page
- scottrigby: 19:36:11
- these sponsors are great - and i dont usually say that -- GNU, Linux, Redhat, Ubuntu, FreeBSD - these are organizations that are on a certain side of the software wars
- Jonathan Simpson: 19:40:51
- "/motd"
- scottrigby: 19:41:00
- message of the day
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:06
375: - Message of the Day -
372: - Welcome to in Norway, EU! Thanks to
372: - SSC Networks ( for sponsoring this server!
372: -
372: - GIBSON, WILLIAM (194He is married with two children. In
372: - the early 1980s he wrote Neuromancer, and with this novel he
372: - helped establish a new kind of science fiction literature
372: - called cyberpunk. William Gibson defined the word cyberspace,
372: - and described virtual reality long before we saw the
372: - similarities with todays Internet. He has won the Hugo Award,
372: - Nebula Award and the Philipp K. Dick Award. - Meg Frisch: 19:44:58
- any examples where IRC is used in educational contexts?
- Meg Frisch: 19:45:38
- both scenarios are of interest -
- Meg Frisch: 19:45:48
- anything you have to share!
- scottrigby: 19:46:02
- good Q in connection with The Public School
- BASEKAMP team: 19:46:03
- BASEKAMP team: 19:46:54
- awesome! I'm there!
- scottrigby: 19:47:39
- it's also an oppotunity to infect the minds of "educators" with ides of open and peer learning
- Meg Frisch: 19:47:40
- #teachingopensource
- scottrigby: 19:48:18
- bookmarking channel!
- scottrigby: 19:48:28
- I smell a public school course coming up
- Meg Frisch: 19:49:06
- its curious - I always thought about how IRC format makes communication a bit more accessible, or more active than email / discussion forums?
- Meg Frisch: 19:49:37
- more like real conversation
- scottrigby: 19:50:02
- less like a megaphone.. more like talking to a group of people sitting around a table, or in a room
- BASEKAMP team: 19:50:09
- "real" is rather slippery a term
- scottrigby: 19:50:32
- twitter broadcasts... "out" ... which has other benefits
- Meg Frisch: 19:50:51
- thumbtacks > staples
- scottrigby: 19:51:02
- tape, zipties
- Meg Frisch: 19:51:07
- magnets
- scottrigby: 19:51:14
- velcro
- scottrigby: 19:51:24
- static electricity!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:51:35
- snot and duct tape
- BASEKAMP team: 19:51:47
- so will snot
- BASEKAMP team: 19:52:31
- right cause snot and duct tape are sooo theoretical
- Meg Frisch: 19:53:05
- chat like a butterfly, IRC like a bee
- BASEKAMP team: 19:53:54
- lol
- scottrigby: 19:54:32
- BASEKAMP team: 19:54:35
- whaaaaaaa!?! Hundreds?
- stephen wright: 19:54:36
- a couple of hundred channels!!
- scottrigby: 19:54:53
- @#$%^&*()!!!!!!
- scottrigby: 19:54:58
- mm hmm
- scottrigby: 19:54:59
- i see
- BASEKAMP team: 19:55:09
- and your monitor is what size? 60"?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:55:24
- that is laughable!
- scottrigby: 19:55:25
- not for long tho megfrisch!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:55:37
- wow
- Meg Frisch: 19:55:46
- Meg Frisch: 19:57:12
- IRC Roulette
- Meg Frisch: 19:57:48
- sweet!!!!
- Meg Frisch: 19:57:52
- bot rampage
- scottrigby: 19:57:56
- botwars
- Meg Frisch: 19:58:16
- Jonathan should hug botkamp
- scottrigby: 20:00:17
- scottrigby: 20:03:21
- "there's a big difference between guiding a conversation, and removing obstacles to it" ..
- stephen wright: 20:03:34
- yup
- scottrigby: 20:03:47
- "where channels managers can keep things flowing, but not try to control them"
- stephen wright: 20:03:48
- THanks Jonathan!
- BASEKAMP team: 20:05:01
- this has been really interesting and a nice extension of a lot of the things that have been discussed over the first 3 months of plausible artworlds
- BASEKAMP team: 20:05:27
- lol
- BASEKAMP team: 20:05:42
- Scott what about that pup tent?
- BASEKAMP team: 20:06:17
- yes thank you very much this has been great!
- eanstoops" title="seanstoops">Sean Stoops: 20:06:27
- thanks good night!
- stephen wright: 20:06:31
- Hey Jonathan, thank you! Let's hope this'll lead to some new recruits to freenode!
- Meg Frisch: 20:06:31
- Thank you!
- scottrigby: 20:06:39
- please do!
- BASEKAMP team: 20:07:14
- yep I'm between Collegeville, Havertown, & Basekamp
- BASEKAMP team: 20:07:23
- great!
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:07:47
- main site
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:08:03
- dates
- BASEKAMP team: 20:08:28
- thanks again. goodnight everyone.
- stephen wright: 20:08:37
- see ya'll next week
- scottrigby: 20:09:06
- for a moment i thougth the vacuuming above our heads was someone's "closing music"
- scottrigby: 20:09:20
- BASEKAMP team: 20:09:30
- nite all
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:09:40
- hope my sound wasn't too bad
- scottrigby: 20:10:06
- was great!
- scottrigby: 20:10:20
- that's an old aviators mic you said?
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:10:48
- it's my grandfathers "airline" mic
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:10:50
- very old brand
- Meg Frisch: 20:10:54
- an interesting departure from / complement to other weeks so far
- scottrigby: 20:10:54
- wow
- Meg Frisch: 20:11:01
- [the talk, not the mic]
- Meg Frisch: 20:11:07
- [the mic too]
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:11:23
- I don't know much about it, other than it seems to do a great job with background noise.
- scottrigby: 20:11:36
- we should get one of those!
- Meg Frisch: 20:11:40
- i think its important to talk about communication channels, as they connect our art worlds
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:11:53
- I'm sitting in my workshop with half a dozen servers on my right, not sure if you could hear the humming
- Meg Frisch: 20:11:54
- and its important to talk about mics
- scottrigby: 20:12:07
- infrastructures
- scottrigby: 20:12:39
- i couldnt hear any humming - sounds nice tho!
- scottrigby: 20:13:39
- megfrisch - we def need to talk about mics
- scottrigby: 20:14:27
- gregscranton, yesplease & meg - would be good to have an in house tech talk sometime
- Meg Frisch: 20:14:46
- yes - for sure!
- scottrigby: 20:15:07
- welcome back michaelbauer!
- michael g bauer: 20:15:19
- thank you very much
- scottrigby: 20:15:32
- (we're sitting right next to earh other btw)
- scottrigby: 20:15:47
- barbara says: like passing notes in class
- Meg Frisch: 20:16:47
- my boss: "don't you have a potluck / talk tonight?" (staying late) me, re: "I'm skyping in!" him, re: "dont you live there?"
- Meg Frisch: 20:17:14
- hehe
- scottrigby: 20:17:19
- haha!
- Meg Frisch: 20:17:22
- actually nice to skype on this huge monitor
- scottrigby: 20:17:38
- au travail
- Meg Frisch: 20:17:45
- yesss
- scottrigby: 20:18:13
- ok guys... so... preview...
- scottrigby: 20:18:18
- next week...
- scottrigby: 20:18:26
- should i say?
- Meg Frisch: 20:18:48
- anticipating
- Meg Frisch: 20:19:03
- scottrigby: 20:19:38
- scottrigby: 20:19:58
- well, we'll see
- scottrigby: 20:20:03
- thy're scheduled
- scottrigby: 20:20:12
- thanx mf
- Meg Frisch: 20:20:23
- tips hat
- scottrigby: 20:20:52
- btw, the idea... is they are interested to donate a large plot of land for buildign our large network in love land
- Meg Frisch: 20:21:11
- OOoh
- scottrigby: 20:21:12
- thousands of square inches of vast open space
- scottrigby: 20:21:23
- in meatspace, and virtual space
- Meg Frisch: 20:21:30
- right -
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:21:40
- I might have to be here for that
- Meg Frisch: 20:21:49
- should be a treat
- scottrigby: 20:21:54
- JonathanD
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:21:58
- ya know, one thing I didn't touch on...
- scottrigby: 20:22:00
- we will also ask them hard questions
- Meg Frisch: 20:22:01
- neat model / idea
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:22:09
- is the ease of getting people in touch with other people.
- Meg Frisch: 20:22:28
- i lean so heavily on Twitter for that stuff
- Meg Frisch: 20:22:47
- i'm interested in IRC to cure my tweetosis
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:22:48
- I've been dragging scott around to make him meet people.
- Meg Frisch: 20:22:53
- haha
- Meg Frisch: 20:23:04
- yes! meat meetings
- scottrigby: 20:23:10
- i know a few people in that camp
- scottrigby: 20:23:16
- meatings
- scottrigby: 20:23:36
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:24:20
- So would any of you be interested in joining us for PLUG social?
- Meg Frisch: 20:24:26
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:24:28
- There is food. And usually pie.
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:24:31
- Philly linux users group
- scottrigby: 20:24:44
- mmm pie
- Meg Frisch: 20:24:45
- I'm not specifically a linux user
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:24:47
- social meaning the one at my house... all the others are at businessy places.
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:25:06
- we had the first social last month, with tacos, pie, and lightning talks.
- scottrigby: 20:25:07
- i see.. so not bkamp as a good place
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:25:22
- bkamp is probably a great place for a meeting, actually.
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:25:45
- PLUG does lots of different things.
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:26:03
- for different sorts of people.
- Meg Frisch: 20:26:17
- it sounds great. I've been trying to get more involved with tech groups in philly
- scottrigby: 20:26:21
- it might help get the "not-necessarily-art" (crossover) event juices flowing here
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:26:28
- well, also...
- Meg Frisch: 20:26:32
- PhillyCHI, panma, drupal
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:26:35
- last time here, we had 4 presentations I think.
- scottrigby: 20:27:01
- what kind of facilities do you need jonathan?
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:27:07
- one was on "how did they do the special effects on star trek the wrath of khan"
- Meg Frisch: 20:27:15
- ++
- scottrigby: 20:27:22
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:27:24
- then one about ebook readers, one about hydrogen, an open source drum machine
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:27:34
- and one about blending photos together into panoramics
- Meg Frisch: 20:27:35
- neat -
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:27:49
- panoramas, too
- Meg Frisch: 20:27:51
- reminds me of Junto / the Hactory / ignite philly in a way
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:27:52
- or pajamas
- Meg Frisch: 20:27:56
- the programming
- scottrigby: 20:27:57
- michael says "i like & use hydrogen"
- Meg Frisch: 20:28:08
- PHUG -
- scottrigby: 20:28:10
- pajama party
- Meg Frisch: 20:28:14
- philly hydrogen users group
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:28:15
- it's a good diverse group
- Meg Frisch: 20:28:48
- a beat-box / break-dance crew called hydrolinux
- Meg Frisch: 20:28:57
- scottrigby: 20:29:03
- scottrigby: 20:29:47
- wants a mini beatbox dance-off 2night
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:29:54
- and myself, I'm not a programmer, I am a "computer guy" but I enjoy getting events and communites together more than anything, I think.
- Meg Frisch: 20:30:15
- Jonathan: you might be interested in following whats' happening with the IDEA conference. some of my coworkers / colleagues are helping to organize
- Meg Frisch: 20:30:20
- Meg Frisch: 20:30:48
- if you have any interest in giving a talk I'd be happy to put in a good word for you, they're doing space / session planning right now
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:31:01
- So, -social info... it's going to be end of this month. I thin kthe 22nd.
- Meg Frisch: 20:31:14
- calendaring
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:31:16
- Meg, I will look at it.
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:31:28
- Skype needs tab complete.
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:31:54
- Local = good and fall = good. I think I could do that
- scottrigby: 20:32:34
- lookin' @ ideaconference
- Meg Frisch: 20:32:43
- cool. If you have any typical materials you send for conferences / events, feel free to forward to me
- Meg Frisch: 20:32:55
- if you have a specific talk in mind, that would be good info too. I have some people I would send it to
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:33:38
- I could probably do something touching on tonights topics, meg
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:33:44
- seems it would be appropriate.
- scottrigby: 20:33:51
- megfrisch - this woudl be a good link for the infographics TPS course maybe?
- Meg Frisch: 20:33:55
- the theme this year is integration - i'm sure there's tons of freenode stuff that speaks to that
- scottrigby: 20:34:16
- Jonathan, i think a Public School course was already proposed based on tongiht's chat!
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:34:30
- haha
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:34:31
- amazing
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:34:40
- from the TOS stuff?
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:34:45
- The TOS people are amazing.
- scottrigby: 20:35:00
- ^^ megfrisch -- personally, i would be interested in developing a presentation with the baskemap group - on "what is integration - what is differentiation?"
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:35:06
- talk to mchua in #teachingopensource, she can probably provide some advice.
- Meg Frisch: 20:35:21
- sounds great -
- scottrigby: 20:35:27
- , of buckminster fuller's 40 questions, which - if answered - are supposed to reveal the sectets of our place in the universe
- Meg Frisch: 20:35:41
- Jonathan: my email address is, feel free to send some info. I have to log off for now, it was great having this chat
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:36:10
- thanks! take care
- scottrigby: 20:36:17
- BTW "Open Source Systems and Notions of a Public Democracy"
- Meg Frisch: 20:36:26
- nice
- Meg Frisch: 20:36:34
- scottrigby: I'll be in touch sooner than later, && everybody else good night and good luck!
- scottrigby: 20:36:42
- JonathanD -- if you'd like -- and all of us of course
-- each of us can just click on '+im interested'
- scottrigby: 20:40:51
- bi all
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:42:00
- g'night
- Jonathan Simpson: 20:42:04
- Thanks for having me!
- scottrigby: 20:46:14
- it was our pleasure really
- scottrigby: 20:46:18
- but what i mean is
- scottrigby: 20:46:31
- come any time