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Plausible Artworlds - The Book
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Plausible Artworlds - The Book
Organizational art
Week 43: A Constructed World
Week 32: E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology)
Week 30: The Think Tank that has yet to be named
Week 29: Centro de Investigaciones Artisticas
Week 21: byproducts
Week 19: Democratic Innovation
Week 12: Au travail / At Work collective
Week 9: Orgacom
Week 7: Artist Placement Group
Week 5: Reinigungsgesellschaft
Week 45: Cittadellarte
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Plausible Artworlds - The Book
Archiving creative culture
Organizational art
Week 43: A Constructed World
Week 32: E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology)
Week 30: The Think Tank that has yet to be named
Week 29: Centro de Investigaciones Artisticas
Week 21: byproducts
Week 19: Democratic Innovation
Week 12: Au travail / At Work collective
Week 9: Orgacom
Week 7: Artist Placement Group
Week 5: Reinigungsgesellschaft
Week 45: Cittadellarte
Secessions and other social experiments
Art(www)orlds and open-source culture
Alternative economies
Autonomous information production