Chat History with basekamp/$5cc776c9b0b96db8" title="#basekamp/$5cc776c9b0b96db8">Design Studio for Social Intervention (#basekamp/$5cc776c9b0b96db
Created on 2010-07-06 20:09:17.
- BASEKAMP team: 17:58:29
- so stacy, once we call, there will be a popup call window in skype. In the lower left corner, there are two buttons - one is a pause '||' button, and the other is a mic with a crossed out circle. The mic is the mute button
- BASEKAMP team: 17:59:20
- hello everyone - we'll be starting in a few minutes
- tacyswitzer" title="stacyswitzer">Stacy Switzer: 17:59:56
- got it. thanks!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:06:22
- jonathan, if you're on #basekamp IRC, do you want to relay things back & forth a bit as people comment? we can't rally do both in the space here because of the projector
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:06:35
- yeah
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:06:38
- i can try
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:06:40
- Guy Loraine: 18:06:45
- hello we are here... uarts crowd
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:07:07
- hello
- BASEKAMP team: 18:12:11
- hi everyone. How's the weather where you are?
- stephen wright: 18:12:51
- weather's cool, warm
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:13:02
- cold
- lindsey baker: 18:13:10
- 100 degress in philly
- stephen wright: 18:13:29
- cold?
- tacyswitzer" title="stacyswitzer">Stacy Switzer: 18:13:36
- muggy in creepy kansas city
- stephen wright: 18:13:37
- you in alaska
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:13:41
- cape town is about 11C
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:13:49
- no cape town, south africa
- stephen wright: 18:14:03
- uruguay just lost to holland
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:14:11
- yup
- stephen wright: 18:14:27
- your hemisphere is out -- i am pissed
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:14:41
- oh
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:14:47
- uruguay are cheats!
- stephen wright: 18:15:03
- ghana, argentina, uruguay, paraguay, brazil -- out
- stephen wright: 18:15:06
- cheats?
- stephen wright: 18:15:10
- dude!
- stephen wright: 18:16:29
- where's the cheating? Europe has the draw power for the southern players, then they have to play for home as if we were still in the 70s
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:16:49
- uruguay cheated in the ghana game
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:16:54
- with the hand ball
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:17:07
- ghana deserved to go through
- stephen wright: 18:17:12
- yes
- BASEKAMP team: 18:17:44
- so guys, does anyone have a preference about whether you'd like to talk with audio, or stick with text?
- stephen wright: 18:17:49
- but beyond that -- I mean it's a sport! It's also political!
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:18:04
- yeah i know. politics kill the game :/
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:18:07
- i can only do text tonight
- lindsey baker: 18:18:08
- i like text
- Guy Loraine: 18:18:18
- i like sound
- stephen wright: 18:18:27
- Politics gives it its significance
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:18:36
- yeah
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:18:39
- but it also makes it boring
- stephen wright: 18:18:50
- no, come on!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:18:59
- i know there are a few of you @ UArts today - how are you guys doing?
- Guy Loraine: 18:19:04
- The group here wants audio, just sayin
- Erica Bertke: 18:19:17
- doing great
- lindsey baker: 18:19:30
- fine here
- stephen wright: 18:19:33
- Paraguay / Spain was a great game
- BASEKAMP team: 18:19:33
- mm kay well, we can do both. People who like text , and even people on audio, can do both
- Guy Loraine: 18:19:43
- 6 of us at room 200
- stephen wright: 18:19:56
- but ya gotta admit, Paraguay should have won on political grounds
- stephen wright: 18:20:17
- or else we scrap the north /south thing
- Erica Bertke: 18:20:17
- don't really follow futbol
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:20:22
- paraguay?
- stephen wright: 18:20:42
- yeah, remember that place?
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:20:51
- hehehe. yeah
- stephen wright: 18:20:54
- miniscule country
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:20:59
- haha
- stephen wright: 18:21:16
- I wanted ghana to win -- obvio!
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:21:34
- the whole of africa wanted ghana to win
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:21:40
- meh :/
- stephen wright: 18:21:40
- byut now I want to stop Germany
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:21:48
- no germany must win
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:21:53
- they play awesomely
- stephen wright: 18:21:57
- AÏ
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:22:02
- would be nice if the dutch get to the final tho
- stephen wright: 18:22:02
- true
- stephen wright: 18:22:19
- beautiful non-signature plays
- stephen wright: 18:22:21
- true
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:22:27
- yah
- stephen wright: 18:22:55
- you're right! They set the example
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:23:00
- yeah
- BASEKAMP team: 18:23:07
- so we're about to place a call - if ayone wants to join please do... if not, jsut ignore the call from us and we'll keep texting
- stephen wright: 18:23:18
- But they're from the NORTH
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:23:21
- all the celebrity teams have been a cop out
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:23:40
- yah, but there are no more southern teams left
- stephen wright: 18:23:40
- Paraguay and Ghana were pretty hot
- Meg Frisch: 18:23:42
- great
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:23:55
- yes
- stephen wright: 18:24:01
- Football, Meg!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:24:20
- lol
- BASEKAMP team: 18:25:12
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:26:27
- scott your site is still lop sided
- stephen wright: 18:26:50
- Like the FIFA world cup
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:26:54
- lol
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:27:02
- the leaning site of philly
- Jonathan Wagener: 18:27:04
- hehe
- BASEKAMP team: 18:29:39
- here's their website:
- Guy Loraine: 18:31:01
- we got dropped
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:38
- will add you again
- Nick Hanford: 18:31:54
- has the audio started?
- Guy Loraine: 18:31:57
- thanks
- BASEKAMP team: 18:33:23
- ye - we'll add you again Nick
- Nick Hanford: 18:33:41
- thanks!
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:34:04
- waves.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:34:49
- np ]
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:35:01
- is Asheesh. psst, I want the microphone for a sec.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:36:53
- it is clear! strangely... let's see what it's like when we call DS4SI's mobule phone
- Guy Loraine: 18:39:49
- we lost ya again
- Guy Loraine: 18:41:48
- you hoo?
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:42:21
- ho ho ho
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:15
- oh hey - will add you again
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:45
- LOLs "the universe in it's early days"
- Guy Loraine: 18:43:48
- thanks
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:44:00
- is our flamingos
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:44:06
- But moreover, how early is early?
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:44:18
- It's okay to have photon pictures from, like, when there *were* photos! A few weeks in, say.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:45:08
- well, the will actaully be available in 15 mins - we'l be calling them
- BASEKAMP team: 18:45:50
- brb...
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:46:34
- So what interests me is the idea of "intervention".
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:48:15
- that's all i have to say, so I stopped talking
- stephen wright: 18:48:36
- How the Design Studio works: A Case Study on Art and Activism
During the summer of 2009, the Design Studio worked
with youth activists and over 150 young people in the
Roxbury and Dorchester neighborhoods of Boston to
imagine new ways to address social or “horizontal” violence among youth in these neighborhoods. In
conjunction with our Artist-in-Residence, Judith
Leemann, we decided to intervene in the social practice of
“the grill” (where two peers catch eyes and assume
animosity, often leading to threats or actual violence.) We
wanted to play with how the grill demands the grill as
response, instantly creating a narrow space of on-edge
intensity and aggression. In that moment, all that matters
is what the grill says matters. We felt that anything we
could do to connect the grill to something else would
make it more difficult for the grill to be its greedy self.
The grill caught our attention because in our methodology for designing social interventions we
look for an entry point, a less explored angle with potential to interrupt social problems. Here was a
simple gesture that functioned on a symbolic level to epitomize a system where violence could start
over nothing more than “she looked at me wrong”, but also how the nothing was everything, their
very reputation and safety being on the line in the instant of response. So the grill was symbolic, but
also a literal act that we could point to, play with and make strange. Our interventions were aimed at
surreptitiously messing with the power of the grill. As one player said after our “Grill Game”,
“Damn, now I’m gonna smile every time I try to grill someone.” - aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:48:37
- What they call the ____ -- did you say "grip"?
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:48:45
- dairy and gluten in the pie, fwiw
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:48:46
- and eggs.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:49:37
- reading...
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:49:43
- So this is what we were trying to target with our flamingos < -- walking across the quad was our "grill".
- BASEKAMP team: 18:49:51
- –O-O–
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:50:19
- I don't quite get what the grill game was that they played, but I guess I can find that online.
- lindsey baker: 18:50:34
- basekamp, call me back
- BASEKAMP team: 18:50:47
- calling...
- lindsey baker: 18:50:57
- thanks!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:51:27
- nprob
- BASEKAMP team: 18:52:02
- hi Jessica!
- Jessica Westbrook: 18:53:10
- hi hi
- BASEKAMP team: 18:53:17
- they also have a blog, which lists various projects
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:54:38
- Is "hackerspaces" and "open source" a meta-artworld? I'm not sure I understand what would qualify.
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:54:44
- (each one, a different meta-artworld)
- Jessica Westbrook: 18:55:21
- are the guests already on? sorry i'm all out of sorts
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:55:29
- no guests yet, at 7 PM
- Jessica Westbrook: 18:55:34
- oh cool
- stephen wright: 18:56:26
- good question. Paul. but when the defining features are singular enough, then we might talk about an art "world"
- Jessica Westbrook: 18:57:34
- what from underground?
- Jessica Westbrook: 18:57:42
- scott your conf ref
- BASEKAMP team: 18:57:52
- the city from below i meant
- Jessica Westbrook: 18:57:59
- thanks
- BASEKAMP team: 18:58:55
- true
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:59:27
- I didn't understand that last bit about "mainstream"...
- stephen wright: 18:59:45
- there is a mainstream
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 18:59:51
- well yeah, I just missed some of the words somehow
- BASEKAMP team: 19:03:25
- BASEKAMP team: 19:04:00
- this isn't ousider art only, is it?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:04:19
- "outsider"
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:04:44
- AVAM is about art "inside" the people's heads, but the people are seen as "outsiders", meaning "not in the mainstream."
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:04:57
- But our art worlds that we discuss here are "not in the mainstream" too!
- Guy Loraine: 19:05:19
- depends who is on the inside and defining the ousider.
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:05:51
- Well, the thing about AVAM is that for all the artists involved, it's work reflecting their internal state. (Blake or other can correct this, since they've actually been!)
- stephen wright: 19:05:53
- no
- stephen wright: 19:06:19
- yes
- Guy Loraine: 19:09:06
- What about parallel worlds created on line such as SecondLife?
- Guy Loraine: 19:09:45
- ahh crap, we got dropped again.
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:10:24
- Could you add csetlow too?
- Guy Loraine: 19:10:43
- thanks
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:13:06
- I like how csetlow has a moon next to his name, as if it's night-time for him.
- Erica Bertke: 19:15:24
- yup still here
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:16:04
- BASEKAMP team: 19:16:15
- LOLs
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:16:15
- Meg Frisch: 19:16:17
- lols !
- BASEKAMP team: 19:16:29
- it's so hot i forgot to drink this ice cold beer
- Erica Bertke: 19:16:32
- i am very interested in their idea of social change via art - most experiences with it we are familiar with are community art groups/places for art classes etc. and this sounds quite a bit different
- Meg Frisch: 19:16:37
- oop
- Meg Frisch: 19:16:44
- ⪃.⨀ེ_⨀ེ.⪄ ⪃.⨀ེ_⨀ེ.⪄
- Erica Bertke: 19:16:54
- and intriguing
- BASEKAMP team: 19:17:00
- for sure
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:17:49
- i'm reading their site
- Erica Bertke: 19:18:07
- it osunds more like its interactive with the entire community and not just those who choose to come to an art community or events
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:18:16
- Yeah, that's the joy of the intervention idea!
- Erica Bertke: 19:19:21
- i am curious to hear what some of the social intervention affects (positive i assume they are looking for) from the work they do
- Erica Bertke: 19:19:35
- you mean peta like the art based ads making social/political statements?
- Guy Loraine: 19:19:56
- we got dropped again!
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:19:57
- zing! wrong time
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:21:00
- re: DS4SI
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:21:16
- they hostt? or initiate projects?
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:21:18
- both?
- Meg Frisch: 19:21:53
- ˆ–¡º•º¡–ˆ
- Meg Frisch: 19:22:13
- £–¢–º–¢–£
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:22:17
- Meg Frisch: 19:22:21
- ™
- Meg Frisch: 19:22:54
- lols!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:23:58
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:24:05
- natural
- Meg Frisch: 19:24:19
- naturally satisfying for wildlife
- Guy Loraine: 19:24:31
- Scott could you add us back?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:29:03
- there you are
- Erica Bertke: 19:30:33
- pittsburgh is also a city of murals and i would have to say that some of them are very good for the community - i.e. it prompts a garden plot on the vacant lot adjacent the mural turning the space from something degraded and un-cared for to a "safe place" so to speak
- BASEKAMP team: 19:31:13
- BASEKAMP team: 19:31:28
- Erica for sure
- Erica Bertke: 19:32:16
- asheville has an arts-literacy program through the asheville arts museum that does similar things to what it seems mighty writers does
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:33:52
- ahhh
- Guy Loraine: 19:34:26
- still not hearing anything but wanted to suggest a book by Anne Whiston Spirn called the Language of Landscape in which she discusses the process of students working with gardening communities here in Philly and how the process worked and did not work.
- Erica Bertke: 19:35:13
- perhaps - but not all are related/supported/funded by the government at all
- BASEKAMP team: 19:36:04
- guilt relief is what that argument says these projects might be doing
- BASEKAMP team: 19:36:44
- Guy we'll call you back. your line keeps dropping - please just keep telling us when taht happens
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:36:56
- education is a way in
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:37:02
- educators...
- Guy Loraine: 19:37:05
- is there still an audio conversation going on? Thanks
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:37:07
- informing
- BASEKAMP team: 19:37:10
- yes
- Erica Bertke: 19:37:12
- but how do you know you are not addressing a larger situation, i.e. influencing the lives of children who are participating in art of some kind which prompts their self-esteem to rise and can influence their lives to move in a direction it might not otherwise have gone. i know it sounds naive, but i have witnessed it personally so it does in fact happen
- BASEKAMP team: 19:37:58
- Erica - yes - would you like to say this outloud? or would you rather we just address it
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:38:15
- yes erica - teaching risk and confidence
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:38:25
- is proactive
- Erica Bertke: 19:38:35
- you can address it - a lot of residual noise where we are
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:39:17
- teaching kids to apply this behavior in alt scenarios is awesome
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:40:24
- consumer guilt makes small impact
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:40:32
- compared to corporate
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:40:38
- junk
- aulproteus" title="paulproteus">paulproteus: 19:41:31
- (that's why art students go on to work in advertising, right?)
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:42:06
- ya art so powerful
- Guy Loraine: 19:42:43
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:26
- LOLs indeed
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:35
- then again, who makes thos films?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:39
- art students!
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:43:45
- corporations
- Erica Bertke: 19:44:21
- well, we're curious what is a better solution than small movements of change - and is this how ds4si plays a role in greater change? we are having difficulty quite understanding what they do.
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:44:30
- those industry creative teams and teams and teams... make very few decisions
- Guy Loraine: 19:45:49
- That's how most people live.
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:45:53
- we tried to bring it to a small town
- Guy Loraine: 19:47:01
- Jessica, Where was this taking place?
- Erica Bertke: 19:47:54
- jessica - could you explain a little bit better what you did - i.e. what "plausible artworkd" meant for that situation in chattanooga
- Guy Loraine: 19:47:54
- we lost our connection again.
- BASEKAMP team: 19:47:56
- Erica, im not backpeddaling, but take what i'm saying with a grain of salt -- this is a perspective that exists, and something (from my point of view anyway) to consider -- it's not an argument that tries to preclude any form of social practice or "community" practice by artists
- Guy Loraine: 19:48:43
- Thanks
- Erica Bertke: 19:48:45
- it is good to hear other perspectives, it makes you re-evaluate how you do your own work in a positive way
- BASEKAMP team: 19:49:52
- did anyone else get dropped from the call?
- Erica Bertke: 19:50:01
- yup
- Guy Loraine: 19:50:08
- yes from multiple spots
- Erica Bertke: 19:50:14
- still on call
- BASEKAMP team: 19:50:21
- kewl
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:51:30
- (adam here) also we take no credit for the approach, it was straight from bell hooks and paulo fierere
- Erica Bertke: 19:51:52
- jessica - were the kids participating openly and would you consider it to be a success, if so how?
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:52:16
- it was a good class, the students called it "detox"
- Erica Bertke: 19:52:22
- lol
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:52:54
- night class, food, team taught, ell family taught - we had our son there too... it became its own community
- Erica Bertke: 19:53:11
- because they don't get many opportunities to participate in things like that probably
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:53:46
- not in edu there
- Erica Bertke: 19:54:21
- how did you market/advertise it to get people to show up?
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:54:38
- it was a credit course, special topics, undergrad
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:54:43
- we had full enrollment
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:54:54
- blogged and facebooked, word of mouth invite too
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:55:17
- i think it intimidated our colleagues
- Erica Bertke: 19:55:35
- sounds cool
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:55:40
- so it was just students, and a few friends of the students
- BASEKAMP team: 19:55:47
- again, i'm not saying don't give money to homeless people
- BASEKAMP team: 19:55:51
- !
- BASEKAMP team: 19:56:55
- we're talking about individually funded projects vs socialized projects
- Jessica Westbrook: 19:59:45
- nice chatting all over teh place tonight
- Guy Loraine: 20:00:09
- Thanks Scott
- Erica Bertke: 20:00:14
- thanks!
- Jessica Westbrook: 20:00:19
- csetlow: 20:00:20
- Bye everybody & thanks!
- BASEKAMP team: 20:00:43
- <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3