Week 4: Continental Drift through the Midwest Radical Cultural Corridor

Hi everyone,

This Tuesday is an event in a year-long series of weekly conversations and exhibits in 2010 focusing on examples of Plausible Artworlds.

This week we’ll be talking with Brian Holmes about Continental Drift through the Midwest Radical Cultural Corridor.

Continental Drift through the Midwest Radical Cultural Corridor is an invitation to look at our collective existence on all the relevant scales: the intimate, the local, the national, the continental and the global. It is a mobile assemblage of people presenting their projects, observations, experiments, discoveries and questions, and producing value through social exchange and a self-educating tour through our concrete world and its abstract representations, discovering distant lives in familiar situations, and embracing the interdependency that links what is usually treated as separate. Continental Drift is intended for anyone seeking to locate global economies, pressures and possibilities in daily life and to reorient aesthetic invention in response to an ethics of equality.
